Welcome to the Soartex knowledge base. Here you can find some great tutorials and guides on things related to Soartex. Our teams wanted to create a central place for information where we can explain how people help contribute to Soartex, and how they can create better textures. This site is completely open source, and anybody can add tutorials to it. Please visit the github repository here for more details on how to contribute. More things are being added as time goes on, so make sure you check back to see if there is any new content. Thank you again for being a community member!

Making Modpack.json Files February 4, 2015 by artdude543

In this article we explain what the modpack.json files purpose is and how it ties into the modded system. We cover how to create such a file, and the guidelines to adding to the repo. A detailed parameter list is included

Batch File Script January 22, 2015 by GoldBattle

In this article we explain how to use the supplied batch file script to apply overlays to either recolor or overlay content on top of general textures. Please note this is a windows only script. This script has been proven useful when multiple copies of the same texture are needed, but just a color differentiates them.

Contributing to Modded January 2, 2015 by GoldBattle

In this article we explain how to submit textures to the modded repo, and how the system works. We walk through the process of how to use a simple git client and how to add/commit textures. From there we will walk through the process of creating a pull request so your additions can be commented on and added to the modded downloads. This introduction guide will get you contributing to our modded repositories.